Impact of the EU Action Plan against Racism with the interactive ENAR Anti-Racism Map

In cooperation with numerous European organisations, including the Austrian Documentation Centre, ENAR (European Network Against Racism) has investigated the extent to which the promises of the EU Action Plan to combat racism have become a tangible reality in all member states.
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In response to global movements such as Black Lives Matter and long-standing efforts for justice, the European Commission published the EU Action Plan against Racism (2020-2025) in September 2020. This initiative marked a significant shift towards addressing structural and historical dimensions of racism across Europe and went beyond individual acts of discrimination.

An important aspect of the Action Plan was the call for EU Member States to develop National Action Plans against Racism (NAPARs) by the end of 2022. But are these promises translating into concrete progress on the ground?

This is where the interactive ENAR Anti-Racism Map comes in - an interactive tool designed to answer this very question. By navigating through the map, users can explore how EU member states are performing in implementing the action plan. The data, collected in March 2023, provides insights into the extent to which countries are fulfilling their commitments and advancing racial justice and equity.

We, as the Dokustelle Österreich, have contributed to the design of this research and brought valuable insights and perspectives from Austria to the data collection process. 

As we navigate the complexities of progress, the Anti-Racism Map serves as an important resource for activists, policy makers and communities alike, highlighting areas of success and areas that require urgent attention. Join us on the journey towards a more inclusive and equitable Europe.